Christopher Bisnath - Email Developer
Before I joined the Coding Phase community I was working in various odd end jobs; call centres, factories, groceries or putting in daily overtime in offices to “prove” to managers why I deserved the most under appreciated of jobs, which I did gladly - and foolishly.
During this time I was doing my best to juggle learning from old textbooks, online courses and videos, but the constant switch of teaching styles, which focused on sheer volume, never really stuck with me, nor did I feel equipped to build things from scratch.
I was sick of feeling stuck in a repeating cycle, even though I studied over ten years in college and university, just to be told I was too qualified or not qualified enough.
After being hospitalized due to some work conditions at the time, I decided to move on from that role, live off my savings and start from the beginning with code. All the free content you provided on YouTube was enough to show me that what you spoke about, were things I often thought about - looking for opportunity where others would not bother.
This lead me to HTML Email Development and my new job on February 27th, 2023, after 2 and a half months of learning.
After two of your classes I decided to apply what you taught, and build my portfolio and projects from scratch, and this is ultimately what granted me the opportunity I have today!
If you are a potential student interested in this community and feel stuck, I can personally attest to the fact that Joe’s willingness to want others to succeed, his teaching style, and leveraging the basics to break into the industry, is exactly what you need to make a change.
It will be tough, but it’s doable, faster than you even realize. Time passes regardless of what we choose, so you can remain dissatisfied with excuses, or take a leap and look at all the proof in the Hall of Fame.
Thank you Joe for all you have done, do, and will continue to do for all of us.